Decarbonized magnesium from just seawater and electricity

Why we exist

To create a sustainable supply of low-cost, zero-carbon magnesium

Magnesium is the third-most used structural metal in the world — critical to steel and titanium refining, aluminum alloying, transportation, aerospace, and defense. 90% of the global magnesium metal supply currently comes from China, where it’s mined using environmentally destructive and carbon-intensive methods.

We now have an unprecedented opportunity to unlock a vast resource — the world’s lightest structural metal — without digging a single mine or emitting a single ton of CO2. Magnesium from desalination brine is the decarbonized metal of our century.

Considering the auto sector alone, an additional 10 megatons of decarbonized magnesium to replace steel in vehicle manufacturing can reduce carbon emissions by 1 gigaton over the life of those vehicles. Lightweighting mobility is critical to accelerating the global transition toward a lower-carbon future.

1.3kg / 1 cubic meter

Magnesium is the second most abundant metal in seawater, averaging 1.3 kilograms per cubic meter.

However, most brine mining techniques today depend on risky chemicals and wasteful evaporation.


Tidal Metals has developed an efficient, scalable solution for accessing the estimated two billion megatons of magnesium dissolved in our oceans — enough to last millennia. Powered by electricity from renewable sources, our “clean and green” method concentrates and extracts magnesium salt in seawater using proprietary innovations and established physical processes. Nothing is added to the water, and no waste is generated.

No digging, decades faster to market

Zero chemicals or brine wastE

Economically compelling costs

Unlimited scale, fully domestic

Clean electricity, carbon neutral

The result is an abundant supply of decarbonized magnesium at competitive prices, produced from just seawater and electricity.

Leadership team

Duncan O'Brien Jr.

Duncan O'Brien Jr.

CFO and Chief Strategy Officer
MBA, Stanford

Duncan O'Brien is a veteran business leader with 40 years of experience in strategy, global business development, corporate finance, M&A, and private equity investments. He received an MBA from Stanford University and has held senior roles at Goldman Sachs, General Electric, and Cox Enterprises.

At Tidal Metals, Duncan brings his proven track record of leadership, team building, and financial expertise to our growing enterprise. His experience and expertise in strategy and analytics will help develop and drive a comprehensive market strategy in the many addressable market opportunities for Tidal Metals’ revolutionary technology.

Dr. Kevin Tritz

Dr. Kevin Tritz

COO and Cofounder
PhD Engineering Physics, Wisconsin Madison

Dr. Kevin Tritz brings 22 years of systems engineering and integration expertise. He holds a PhD in Engineering Physics from the University of Wisconsin and is a published fusion scientist. He advanced fusion energy by building, operating, and analyzing X-ray measurements to understand plasma transport.

At Tidal Metals, he spearheads project development and management. He also leads the development of sensors and controls design for both manufacturing and production systems, using cutting-edge hardware and software to ensure Tidal Metals is at the forefront in systems design.

Dr. Ethan Schartman

Dr. Ethan Schartman

CTO and Cofounder
PhD Plasma Physics, Princeton

Dr. Ethan Schartman brings 16 years of hardware deep tech innovation. With a PhD in Plasma Physics from Princeton, he has personally designed and built numerous advanced technologies, including a laser Doppler velocimetry tip clearance sensor for next-gen jet engines and novel centrifuges exploiting quasi-Keplerian shear flow.

Ethan applies his deep mechanical and electrical design insight to his role at Tidal Metals, where he leads design and fabrication of core technologies. As a key player in R&D, he is responsible for advancing Tidal Metals' hardware from ideas to working prototypes to manufactured components. He leads mechanical design of major systems, ensuring that they are functional, manufacturable, and scalable.

Dr. Howard Yuh

Dr. Howard Yuh

CEO and Cofounder
PhD Nuclear Engineering, MIT

Dr. Howard Yuh brings 19 years of hard tech development and leadership experience. He has a materials background with a PhD in Applied Plasma Physics from MIT and is well published for his efforts toward improving fusion reactor performance by optimizing and measuring plasma current distributions. He designed next-gen advanced plasma instrumentation for the international ITER tokamak and was a member of the inaugural cohort of the USDOE's Oppenheimer Science and Energy Leadership Program.

Howard is the original inventor of Tidal Metals' foundational set of technologies and leads the highly skilled team toward rapid commercialization. In addition to responsibilities in fundraising and strategy, he also takes an active role in technology development, engineering design, and intellectual property protection. Howard sees Tidal Metals' mission as paramount to supporting global efforts to decarbonize.